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Hemorrhoids After Child Birth

You believe your postpartum healing was going well, until you got hemorrhoids 6 weeks after of your labor. Usually postpartum bleeding gets taper off after 2 weeks and usually completely stopped after 4 weeks. Your stitches are seemed to heal fine and your breastfeeding also going very well. Despite of some usual sadness, however you definitely weren’t suffering from any postpartum anxiety or depression. You get in love with the new born and your time off work. Everything seems to be great. But at the end of sixth week, exactly the day before you come on your usual routine you go to the bathroom and it really hurts. You look in toilet and on the toilet paper and you found something bloody. Yes this is the after delivery hemorrhoid. However this is pretty common disorder and most of the women experience this after child birth. So there is nothing to be worried about.

What you really need is to check out if it really is the childbirth hemorrhoid or something else. Then you must take some prescription or some over-the-counter creams. However don’t waste your money if you aren’t really sure about it. You must visit your doctors and explain your symptoms, and they can better discover the causes behind this condition. However if you don’t have time to visit your doctor, you can rather start taking all your leftover stool softeners and by drinking ample of water.

Hemorrhoids After Child Birth

If it did not really help and you still experience more painful bowel movements, then you must go for a postpartum checkup. Tell your doctor what’s happening. Generally your doctor’s first guess will be the postpartum hemorrhoids. And that is obvious. Then your doctor will then advise you some treatments for childbirth hemorrhoids, such as over-the-counter cream and stool softeners.

The best way to fight hemorrhoids is the prevention. Drink ample of water every day and eat a fiber rich diet such as cereals and whole-grain breads, fresh fruits, vegetables and beans. Walk and exercise regularly. Do not sit or stand for long. Sitting and standing, both put pressure on your the veins present in your lower abdominal parts. However if sitting for longer period becomes necessary, make sure you must get up and walk for a couple of minutes after every hour or two. For pain, soak in a bath tub or take some over the counter creams and witch hazel pads.

Judith Cheryl
Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!