Eye Care

Lasik Eye Surgery: What Happens After the Operation?

2803 W Eye Clinic 246e

Once you have been declared as a good candidate for LASIK surgery, you might start to wonder how your life would be immediately after surgery. Only your surgeon can really tell you how your case would go because each LASIK eye surgery is unique. However, on a very general note and if you have had a relatively usual LASIK eye surgery with the W Eye Lasik Surgery Clinic Singapore, your recovery right after the operation should be very fast. You should be able to see almost immediately after the operation, or at least within the day of your operation. Different bodies react uniquely to surgical interventions but LASIK is proven to be relatively painless compared to other surgical procedures.

2803 W Eye Clinic 246e

Having said that, the medical specialists at W Eye Clinic Singapore would still want you to watch out for certain changes right after your operation. In most cases, even when the patient reports a 20/20 vision after the operation, it is recommended that someone else drive for him or her. This is because there could be some fluctuations in the patient’s vision. Some patients report glaring around bright objects or seeing a halo when there is none. Others have difficulty focusing weeks or even months after the operation. Some patients have no visual impairments during the day because of their surgery with W Eye Clinic Singapore, but they find that they have difficulty driving or seeing at night.

The effects of the operation vary depending on the exact procedure done. For example, the correction of farsightedness would definitely not have the same effects as the correction of astigmatism. The healing process will also depend on how well the patient has taken care of the post-operative eye, or post-operative eyes if both eyes were operated on.

The important thing for any patient to do is to set up transportation and assistance from the clinic to their homes at least during the first 24-48 hours after the surgery. Driving is not advised while the eyes are still recovering from the surgery. Follow up checkups are necessary. It would be helpful if a family member could drive and assist the patient right after the surgery, and perhaps even the first week after the surgery. Clearance to drive should be prescribed by your medical specialist at the W Eye Clinic.

You might also be asked to take medicines to manage potential discomforts after the eye surgery. Generally speaking, this particular surgical procedure only entails “dry eyes” after the surgery. This can be fixed with prescription eye drops. Other than that, there is no severe pain reported after surgery. The absence of severe pain is one of the reasons why patients are more likely to agree to an eye surgery than they are to an orthopedic surgery. Pain-wise, recovery is just more manageable for patients of LASIK eye surgery.

These are all general statements, though, and it should be stressed that the recovery time for LASIK eye surgery can range from a few minutes to a few weeks. Certainly, patients can regain eyesight within the day of the surgery. To know more about your eye correction and your specific recovery time, it is advisable for you to seek consultation with a specialist at WEyeClinic.sg.

W Eye Clinic Singapore prides itself for providing tailored services to make sure our treatments will solve your eye problems and it your individual lifestyle.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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