Health Insurance

Why The Renewal Of European Health Insurance Card Is Must?

ehic passport

European health insurance card renewal can be done through the official EHIC online application form absolutely free of charge. If you proceed through the unofficial website, you may have to pay some amount, and it’s not safe also. If you are preparing for a long holiday and your card has neared its expiry, renew it as soon as possible.

The process of renewal is as follows

It is not rocket science. Instead, it is a straightforward and methodical approach. You can do it online sitting from anywhere. Every five years your EHIC card will expire. Hence, European health insurance card renewal is necessary to get the full coverage of medical treatment while travelling in Europe.

But you cannot do the renewal until six months are left only for the expiry. Your EHIC is valid for the re-continuation just after the complete expiry or from six months of expiry, and not before that. If your card has expired before two years or more, and you don’t need it for any medical issue, it doesn’t mean that you won’t have to take EHIC’s facility in future, especially if you are planning to travel throughout Europe.

Your old expired card’s details won’t be any longer acceptable, and you have to fill in new details. The old EHIC pin will not be in use anymore. A new pin will be handed over to you.

The documents and information that you should give for EHIC renewal:

  • Full name
  • Address of the UK
  • Date of Birth
  • PIN of the old EHIC card
  • NHS or National health Insurance number (if you stay in England and Wales)
  • If you reside in Northern Ireland, you have to provide Health and Care Number
  • If you are in Scotland, give your CHI number.
  • The online application can take up to 10 business days for the delivery of the new card to your doorstep.


Please apply for European health insurance card renewal within ample time before your trip to abroad.

Acknowledgement of EHIC renewal from abroad

If you are in armed post tasks or any similar job in the foreign country, you can still apply for European health insurance card renewal from there in the same manner. It will take somewhat longer time to reach the card to your location through postal service.


The travel insurers will show the determination that your card remains valid so that they can give you medical coverage in Europe.

Don’t ever misunderstand your EHIC as an alternative to the travel insurance. In the public hospital, medical centre, etc. you have to produce your EHIC mandatorily. So, keep it with you all the time.

For your children, the European health insurance card renewal requires to be listed in the adult member’s application. Children below 16 years can’t apply for a separate card. They have to be dependants on the seniors. The same information is required for them too.

For your family members, the renewal will be listed on the same form. Every individual member’s full details should be provided. If there is any updation, changes can be done.

Don’t think that you won’t get sick during your Europe travel. To save the expensive medical treatment costs, the EHIC card is needed to be with you. You will get first class treatment in the public treatment centres even for pre-existing chronic ailments and maternity care.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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