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Orthopaedic Surgeon in London: Why you may require one

orthopaedic surgeon

If you have been experiencing chronic back or joint pain, you may have been advised by your family doctor to consult an orthopaedic surgeon. This is because orthopaedic surgeons are experts in taking care of the musculoskeletal system and can offer relief to patients with problems revolving around muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and joints. Spinal problems and joint issues are a couple of the most common reasons for patients to seek the advice of an orthopaedic surgeon in London.

Orthopaedic specialists have a wide range of diagnostic tools that can be used in determining the optimum treatment for different patients. Besides surgical intervention for chronic pain and related problems, orthopaedic surgeons also provide preventive care and can assist with rehabilitation post injury or surgery.

If you or your physician has noticed any one of the below-mentioned symptoms, it is time to get the help of an orthopaedic surgeon.

orthopaedic surgeon

  • Swelling, tenderness, or stiffness in joints
  • Problems with range of motion or basic activities like reaching
  • Instability while standing or walking
  • A worsening joint deformity
  • A worsening form of degenerative disease such as osteoporosis or arthritis
  • Pain that does not subside with physical therapy.

Regardless of your complaint, an excellent orthopaedic surgeon in London will consider every type of treatment possible, including physical therapy and medication, before advising surgery.

If surgery is essential, the orthopaedic surgeon has the ability to perform a wide range of procedures to help overcome your problem. Some of the different types of surgery include arthroscopic surgery and knee or joint replacements. Millions across the world are diagnosed with some form of injury each year, some of whom never find the need to consult an orthopaedic surgeon as they make an assumption that all efforts will be futile or because they are afraid of treatment. Another section of individuals just suffers undiagnosed pain or mobility problems because they think it is a normal aspect of ageing or wear and tear on their bodies.

The truth is that there is no need to suffer. Orthopaedic surgeons can alleviate pain and ensure that life becomes easier. In fact, the earlier the musculoskeletal issue is diagnosed, the higher the chances are that treatment can prevent it from becoming extremely severe. An orthopaedic surgeon in London knows the ins and outs of getting patients back on their feet and back into their lives sans any pain.

If you are making preparations for surgery, you may have a lot of issues in your mind. The weeks prior to the operation can be utilised to prepare your body for the surgery; however, this particular timeframe should also be used to think about how you will be spending your time post surgery. Orthopaedic surgeons realise that the manner in which patients care for their bodies post surgery can have a major impact on your recovery period. It is important that you have the capability to perform tasks on a daily basis without putting unwanted stress on your body.

With adequate preparation and a calm mindset, you will regain your mobility and strength.

Judith Cheryl
Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!