Health and Fitness

Living In Green Belts and Its Unique Benefits


Greenery all around is a matter of pleasure and comfort for the human beings. They are able to enjoy a pollution-free environment that facilitates fresh air that is a must for all. People having morning and evening strolls in the gardens and alongside the highways or in the hills keep fit. Their body and brain remain refreshed at all times.

Green belts are beneficial as under:

  1. Clean air and water – Those living along side green trees, plants and in the green belt are able to enjoy fresh air that is free from any toxic substances or harmful elements. They remain fit and do not get affected much with diseases. Hazardous chemicals do not dare to harm them in any manner. The clean water available in the surroundings of green areas is quite drinkable and does not produce any harmful results.
  2. Safety – Those residing and working in green belts remain free and safe from toxic / harmful chemicals and other damaging aspects. They do not have to depend much upon the doctors that usually recommend medicines that are available through general and chemists online. This is the exclusive benefit of living in the green belts that is beneficial for the society in a big way.
  3. Less use of protective equipment – Those residing and working in the areas that are flooded with green plants, trees and gardens do not have to use the protective equipments. It is because of the pollution-free environment that saves their physique from ill effects of polluted air.
  4. Less prone to fires or explosions – Greenery all around is not only safe for our health but also a matter of great safety from the accidental fires and other explosions. It is due to the fact that the trees, plants and rivers keep the environment cool enough that it is less prone to fires etc.
  5. Less prone to diseases – The residents and workers of green belt areas fall less victims to diseases. We see that people living in the high mountains and surrounded with greenery all around look more sturdy and healthy as compared to the ones living in hot weathers. The latter are more prone to ailments and have to procure medicines from chemists online / others as suggested by the experienced doctors.
  6. Safe food and consumer products – Greenery is beneficial in all respects. It benefits the human health and saves the people from the possible physical problems. As such they take simple foods that strengthen their body and immunity in even manners. Pesticides and cleaning items are in lesser demand for such people.
  7. Beneficial for the economy and business – Green fields, plants and trees are advantageous to the society at large. People are helped to benefit from increased food products and crops that are beneficial for the economy and business of any nation.

The above exclusive advantages of greenery, green belts and plantations help the states to grow in even manners. The residents and workers of such areas are saved from frequent visits to the doctors that prescribe medicines for various ailments that are available from chemists online.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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