Health News

The 5 Crucial HPV Facts Every Woman Should Know

obstetrics & gynecology

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) affects over 6 million Americans to become one of the most popular sexually transmitted infections. It refers to a collection of viruses that cause papillomas growth or cancers. Understanding the condition is crucial in being vigilant to catch the condition early and taking quick action. Medical specialists like the New York obstetrics & gynecology specialists are well equipped to deal with the situation and can help. Working with a medical expert helps you understand the condition’s cause, signs, and transmission. The information herein is to enlighten you further about HPV. Have a look.

Vaccination is Better

HPV vaccine exists to help eradicate the transmission of the virus. However, the vaccine is surrounded by many controversies that limit some people from getting it. Understand that the HPV vaccine has been tested and approved after being found safe and effective in decreasing the chances of complications like cancers associated with HPV. More research is underway for therapeutic vaccines which can be given to those who have already contracted the virus to fight it off. Remember that a preventative HPV vaccine is given in advance to ward off infections.

HPV is Transmissive

HPV can spread from one person to another mainly through sex and blood contact. You should be vigilant if you are sexually active, noting that the infection can also be spread through oral sex. Ensure you are vaccinated and understand the status of your sexual partners to limit your chances of getting the infection. Also, remember to use sexual protection like barrier methods and condoms to avoid HPV transmission during sex.

HPV Increases Risks for Cancers

One of the main reasons you should act fast to manage HPV is to prevent further complications. You risk developing several types of cancers when you are infected with HPV. The infection can cause head and neck cancers, mainly at the back of the tongue and tonsils. The fact is that about 70 % of neck and head cancers are associated with HPV infection. Your chances of developing gynecological cancers also increase with HPV. The condition affects your reproductive parts, making you more likely to develop vaginal, vulvar, and cervical cancers. Penile cancer and rectal cancers are also associated with HPV.

No Need to be Ashamed

The stigma around HPV makes people feel ashamed or guilty when they learn they have contracted the HPV infection. Understand that anyone sexually active or has ever had sex has been exposed to the infection. Therefore, do not allow the social stigma to prevent you from getting the medical care you need. You have more choices that will help out if you overcome the stigma and seek help. Medical specialists dealing with STIs are well trained to handle you with care, confidentiality, and without judgment.

Cervical Cancer is Rare with HPV

As mentioned earlier, HPV increases your chances of different types of cancers. However, beat the misconceptions about cervical cancer by understanding the low chances. Many cases of HPV infection clear up within two years, and only a few cases are reported to progress to cervical cancer. Many patients consistently do not require treatment. Therefore, worry less but remain alert.

It is good to be concerned about HPV. Get in touch with the gynecologists at Dr. Inga Zilberstein, MD, PLLC, to learn more about the condition. Your provider will assess your concerns and guide you accordingly. Make a call or schedule your appointment online.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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