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Top Five Things You Need To Consider When Choosing The Obstetrician That Suits You

obstetrics & gynecology

The pregnancy period is vital for the continuity of humankind. Being newly pregnant comes with the preparedness for the new responsibilities of becoming a parent after giving birth. However, during pregnancy, women usually experience health complications in their reproductive system and overall health. For instance, women aged 35 and above are more likely to develop preeclampsia, which usually causes preterm delivery. These complications can trigger anxiety and depression among the victims; therefore, they should seek preventive care from New York obstetrics & gynecology. Here is what you need to consider when choosing the right obstetricians.


Most women experience difficulties addressing the issue of their reproductive systems with doctors, especially when visiting them for the first time. Females who have never been pregnant before feel uncomfortable when it comes to disclosing their intimate body parts. Therefore, when selecting an obstetrician, choose the one you are comfortable with while sharing about the body changes you have been through during the pregnancy.

Look for the referrals

What do other patients say about the obstetricians that you intend to choose? Research the recommendation from friends or relatives who have previously visited the specialist. Also, you can look for the obstetrician online pages to see how the patients comment about their services. The positive comments will assure you that the obstetrician has better services.

Specialty and the experience

The care provider’s experience is another thing you need to consider, especially when encountering complicated gynecological problems. Visit the health websites to learn more about their area of prominence and specializations. Choose the obstetricians who are more specialized in the conditions that you are experiencing. The more experienced obstetricians guarantee efficient treatment, which increases your chances of survival.

The number of patients

In most cases, the obstetricians offering the best services often have more patients consulting them, resulting in long waiting hours. Sometimes you can even run out of patience during pregnancy due to the long queues. The first-time moms may feel unsatisfied since the care provider may not have ample time to address every question from them. Therefore, you should contemplate the number of patients consulting the obstetricians before choosing them.


What is the distance between the obstetrician’s facilities and your residence? This question is vital before deciding on the care provider you will entrust with your gynecological problems. Select the obstetricians whose facilities are closer to your residence for the convenience of the service delivery. The accessibility of the obstetricians ensures that your conditions do not deteriorate in case of emergencies since you can reach their facility earlier enough.

Many women usually encounter gynecological problems, especially when approaching menopause. These complications undermine women’s productivity since they can be threats to their pregnancies. Therefore, it is time to seek effective treatment if you are a victim. Dr. Inga Zilberstein, MD, in New York City, is an experienced gynecologist and obstetrician offering diverse prenatal care to women with gynecological complications. Schedule an appointment and visit the facility today to receive quality services.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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