Health and Fitness



Tailgating happens to be one of the prime reasons for car accidents across the US. Usually, every country specifies a certain safe distance that while following another vehicle. However, this distance is not constant and varies depending on a number of factors like the flow of traffic, weather condition, and more. But at times, the cars come so close to one another that the drivers get no time to react, leading to crashes and other severe road accidents. There are even incidents where the motorists get irritated at the tailgater and deliberately tap the brake, warning the driver to maintain a safe distance. However, often the tailgating drivers lose control and end up hitting the bumper of the front vehicle. These accidents can be minor, but contacting a doctor specialized in treating car accident victims becomes significant because sudden jerks create muscular sprains or long-term injuries.


Causes of Tailgating

People who tailgate are usually in a hurry or they are stressed out for some reason. Many of the tailgaters even have anger management issues, and use driving as a means to vent out their feelings. Finally, the uncontrollable rage forces them to crash.

  • Tailgating is also done unconsciously or There are times when the driver fails to perceive the impending risks and end up tailgating. It is not uncommon for experienced drivers to be more involved in these types of rear-end collisions because of their over estimation of skills.
  • There are examples where the tailgating drivers aggressively threaten to damage the leading vehicles to get out of the way by honking or using headlights; whereas the leading cars refrain from giving a pass because of traffic rules. The raging tailgaters turn furious and end up hitting the car ahead while overtaking. On the other hand, if heavy vehicles decelerate suddenly on a busy road, the tailgaters experience severe crashes due to rear-end collisions.
  • Tailgating accidents even happen when two cars are acquainted to one another. They come extremely close to one another out of fun or maybe when moving in a group, denying any intruders to break the chain.

Possible Injuries

Some of the common injuries that you can experience due to rear-end crashes are chest, neck, spine and head injuries. In case you are not wearing any seatbelts, the impact can be more serious.

Whiplash – This refers to a wide range of neck injuries and is a common occurrence in car crashes. In tailgating accidents, neck movements are abrupt and the sudden jerking motion affects the muscles and ligaments of the neck. In extreme cases, these can even cause painful fractures to the neck vertebrae.

Head Injuries – If the driver of the leading vehicle is wearing a seatbelt, this injury can be minor. But otherwise, head injuries can be life threatening. However, the recovery period of minor concussion or a full-blown brain injury varies depending on the intensity of the accident.

Chest Injuries – You can even experience chest injuries due to tailgating. A sudden jerk due to the collision leads to a forceful blow on the chest. The pain can linger for long due to blood vessel injuries or rib fracture. Minor chest injuries can be experienced while moving shoulder, arms or trunk of the body.

It is important to keep a control of your senses while driving. If you are being tailgated, hold your emotions, slow down and let the vehicle pass. Though you can recover fully by consulting a doctor for car accidents, it is always better to take some precautionary steps. Injuries from tailgating can be minor, but if you are careful while driving, there are zero chances of accidents. So keep calm and drive!

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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