Womens Issues

Simple Tips for Girls To Prevent Injuries When Jogging or Running

Simple Tips To Prevent Injuries When Jogging or Running
Running in Fall. Runner woman jogging in autumn forest. Beautiful young fit fitness sport model jogging with slight motion blur. Mixed race Caucasian / Asian girl.

To make boost your performance at any of the running events, it’s very important that every footstep you take is 100% pain-free and comfortable. There should not be any twinges or lingering pain from yesterday’s workout. However, in reality, at some stage, many runners face nagging issues such as whiny knee or tender foot. Most injuries related to running occur in feet, shin, ankle and knee. Moreover, runners sometimes experience groin and back injuries too.

Running in Fall. Runner woman jogging in autumn forest. Beautiful young fit fitness sport model jogging with slight motion blur. Mixed race Caucasian / Asian girl.

Running in Fall. Runner woman jogging in autumn forest. Beautiful young fit fitness sport model jogging with slight motion blur. Mixed race Caucasian / Asian girl.

However, it is possible to prevent these injuries by simply following some easy strategies such as right clothing and warm up. If you don’t want to layoff from your workout, don’t push yourself too hard. Here’s how you can prevent running injuries, so that you can keep yourself happy, healthy and injury-free.

Some Common Injuries Related To Jogging and Running

As a runner, you may come across following injuries.

  • Skin damage: You may have bruises and tanning, abrasion and cuts if you fall down while jogging or running.
  • Soft Tissues Injury: you may experience a ligament sprain or pulled muscle problem.
  • Blisters: These are mostly caused due to the foot rubbing or sliding inside the shoes.

Consider Risk factors

For the best workout results, you need to consider the risk factors responsible for causing injuries. Few of them are as listed below:

Wrong Clothing and Shoes – Wearing the incorrect clothes at the time of running or jogging can cause cold injuries, sunburn or overheating. Selecting the incorrect type of shoe for running can lead to shin pain as well as blisters.

Environmental Factors – The factors such as polluted air, running surfaces (either hard or loose and unstable surface like sand) should be taken into account while jogging and running. These factors also include other environmental barriers such as sunburn or low-hanging tree branches.

Poor techniques – If you follow poor techniques for your workout, the risk of injuries can be increased.

Overtraining – Your ligaments, tendons and muscles can be damaged or get strained, if you run beyond your fitness level. One of the most common injuries found in runners is the shin pain.

Safety Tips for Running

Following are some simple tips that you should follow, in order to prevent injuries while jogging or running.

When you are running, avoid wearing the headphones so that you can hear imminent danger of dog bark or car horn.

If you are running in the evenings, wear some reflective materials so that the drivers can see you.

Avoid isolated and dangerous areas, and choose your routes wisely.

Health Tips for Jogging and Running

Following are the tips to help prevent running/jogging related injuries.

Before you start running, do your warm up exercises including ample of sustained and slow stretches.

Cool down after jogging.

Drink a lot of water throughout your workout.

Apply sunscreen (SPF 30+) on your exposed skin.

You can also opt for occasional massage to relax sore and tight muscles. By following these simple tips you will be able to prevent possible injuries while running or jogging.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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