
Learning about Hair Loss in This Day and Age: Regaining Your Self-Esteem



When the topic of hair loss surfaces in regular everyday conversations, most people impulsively picture the axiomatic old man with a shiny, bald cranium. But this notion is firmly rooted in misinformation because not only do both sexes suffer from hair loss and alopecia but balding doesn’t discriminate against age, origin, or hair type either. From hormonal changes and menopause that affect hair loss in women to hereditary afflictions and insufficient nutrition that affect both sexes, hair loss has a hugely detrimental impact on people’s outward appearance, not to mention the fact that it tends to incite depression, anxiety, and a decrease in self-confidence as well.

Hair Loss Statistics

Before we dive into a viable treatment plan for hair loss, it’s important to understand the ramifications of thinning, retreating, or balding hair around the world in this day and age. Take a brief moment to consider these hair loss statistics compiled by the WHO and OECD:

Male Hair Loss:

  • More than half of all men above the age of 50 will develop something called androgenic alopecia, which is the medical term for male pattern baldness.
  • One in every four men with androgenic alopecia will start noticing thinning or retreating hair as early as age 21.
  • 86% of men of men are likely to undergo a hair transplant at some point during their lives.
  • 60% of men struggling with hair loss would prefer getting their hair back to getting a raise at work or finding a new girlfriend.

Female Hair Loss:

  • More than 90% of female hair loss is considered to be androgenetic, which implies that it stems from hormonal oscillations (menopause, pregnancy, etc.).
  • More than 40% of women experience some form of hair loss during menopause, which reinforces the hormonal derivation theory.
  • Women display an outward aversion towards hair transplants as only 14% of females consider treatment.
  • More than a third of women suffering from hair loss display multiple symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.

Finding Your Solution

Instead of masking your hair loss with goofy-looking combovers and chemical-laden hair products, it’s far wiser to schedule an appointment with a reputable hair transplant centre, especially when taking into account the recent medical advancements in the field of hair loss. If you’re trying to schedule a hair transplant in London, for instance, the following information will help you feel at ease with regard to the process.

The old method of transplanting hair was safe and effective but it involved creating incisions in your skin and removing a strip of tissue from the back of your head. As such, patients didn’t want to deal with the post-operative swelling and unsightly scarring that came in tow so doctors were tasked with creating a less-invasive method without sacrificing quality.

Fortunately, it didn’t take long for hair care specialists to come up with the new-age Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) methodology, which effectively eliminates the need for incisions, tissue relocation, and stitches. Due to the fact that each individual follicular unit is removed and transplanted one-by-one, the doctor can essentially collect the donor follicles at random, which ensures that the extraction sites remains lush, healthy, and natural-looking from beginning to end.

As safety, effectiveness, and high-quality results are placed at the forefront, you have nothing to lose by scheduling a free no-obligation consultation with a reputable local facility. After a few minutes of discussing your situation with a hair transplant specialist, you’ll be blown away by how cost-effective, easy, and stress-free the process really is.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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