Weight Loss

How Shakeology is made

How Shakeology is made

Shakes generally are made with natural supplements such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs. To fully understand how shakeology is made, we need to look at how close substitutes to shakes are made generally. In making these substitutes, note that similar ingredients are used for their making.

Making fruit juices

To make fruit juices, all you will need is to squeeze out the content of the fruit without the pulp (outer parts). This is then mixed with finishes if need be. It is less creamy except some additions are added.

Making of smoothies

Smoothies are a step away from shakes and a step addition to juices. They are natural supplements of fruits and vegetables with every part of the fruit blended including the pulp, all blended into one to make a creamy finish. this often creamier than juices. They tend to also have better nutritive value compared to juices but lesser in nutritive value to shakes.

Making of shakes

What differentiates a shake from a smoothie is the addition of a base solvent. Usually milk is added to smoothies to make a creamier fruit drink. This shakes in the general form.

How to make shakeology

Shakeology is made the same way the common shakes are made. The only difference in shakeology lies in the high nutritive components of shakeology. It has richer blends of ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, herbs and other vitals, making up about 70 components in one. This what makes it a unique shake. Drink.

Making shakeology comes with various flavors. There are well above four flavors of shakeology. We will look at some of the recipes and the making of the various flavors of shakelogy. The common flavors of shakeology are chocolate, strawberry, greenberry and chocolate vegan, to mention but some in the pack.

Making strawberry flavor.

It is important to state that in making this and every other ones, there are forms of the same kind. For instance, strawberry has different variants itself of which some are strawberry water-lemon and strawberry pecan cream.

Making of strawberry water-lemon surprise

To make this shake, here is the recipe you’ll need:

0.5 cup water

1.0 serving shakeology of strawberry

0.5 cup chopped watermelon

2.0 tablespoonful of diced mint


Blend the ingredients together in a blender and add enough ice as much as you can. Also, add milk of your choice. This can be coconut or almond milk. The more the milk, the better and creamier your shakeology will come. You are now free to go ahead with your shakeology drink. You should have about 150 calories supply here.

Making pumpkin latte shakeology

Here is the recipe if you are interested in making pumpkin latte shakelogy.

1.0 cup of water

1.0 exposé café latte shakelogy

0.5 tinned pumpkin puree

0.5 teaspoonful ground pumpkin pie spice

This composition will supply you calories worth 173 values.

Preparation of this shakeology is the same as above with the addition of ice and milk in a similar fashion and freely as you require.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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