Health and Fitness

How Making a Will Can Benefit Your Family’s Health

Family’s Health
130415-A-CL600-020 U.S. Air Force Capt. Dana Blyth, left, discusses health care with a family in Cerro Plata, Panama, on April 15, 2013. Blyth is a physician deployed from the San Antonio, Texas, Military Medical Center to Panama as part of Beyond the Horizon 2013, a joint and combined field training humanitarian exercise. The medical readiness portion provides much-needed health care services to some communities. DoD photo by Kaye Richey, U.S. Army. (Released)
Family%E2%80%99s Health

130415-A-CL600-020 U.S. Air Force Capt. Dana Blyth, left, discusses health care with a family in Cerro Plata, Panama, on April 15, 2013. Blyth is a physician deployed from the San Antonio, Texas, Military Medical Center to Panama as part of Beyond the Horizon 2013, a joint and combined field training humanitarian exercise. The medical readiness portion provides much-needed health care services to some communities. DoD photo by Kaye Richey, U.S. Army. (Released)

It’s remarkable how two things which seem worlds apart can impact upon one another. A good example of this is the creation of a legally viable will that sets out how your estate will be distributed upon your death and the health and wellbeing of your family – just how are these things interconnected and interrelated? To explain the connection, we need to first explain what a will is, so what is a will?

A will is a legally valid document that sets out how a person’s estate is to be distributed upon their passing. It needs to be witnessed and signed by two witnesses (neither of whom can be included in the will), and it needs to be made while the person is capable of making their own decisions. This means making a will in Hampshire with professional assistance before the person is affected by Alzheimer’s or senility, which could make the will invalid.

How Wills Benefit Health and Wellbeing

Your will sets out your intentions for the distribution of your estate, so it can be used to provide for your family and dependents, including a de facto partner who may not be considered ‘family’ in the eyes of the law. As the distribution of the will provides for the wellbeing of the deceased’s dependents it, therefore, has a direct impact on their health and wellbeing, but that isn’t the only reason why it may impact upon the health and wellbeing of your family, as there are others.

Avoiding Legal Hassles

If you were to pass away without having first made a will, your estate would be distributed by the Government in accordance with the law, which may not be how you intended your estate to be distributed. This could lead to legal battles and challenges and that can have a direct impact, usually a negative impact, upon the health and wellbeing of members of your family.

Court battles can be ugly affairs and when there’s money and property involved it doesn’t take much for things to get ugly – even among family and friends who once enjoyed good relations. A long and drawn out legal battle could get nasty and cause members of your family unnecessary pain and trauma.

Do everyone you love a big favour and take the time to make a will. You never know when the time will come in which it’s needed by those you love – their health and wellbeing are dependent upon it.

Ensuring No One Misses Out

As your estate will be distributed as the Government sees fit, if you don’t make a will everyone whom you would like to have included in your will stands to miss out. That means your de facto partner could suffer as a result, not to mention your friends to whom you would have liked to have left something.

Making a will now benefits your family’s health and wellbeing in the future. Don’t wait to make this important legal document that can help to protect those you love the most.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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