Health and Fitness

Why And When Would You Need Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy or physiotherapy is a process via which soft tissue injuries, acute pain, arthritis, physical impairments, and gait disorders can be treated via kinesiology, electrotherapy, shockwave modality, joint mobilization. In the simplest of terms, it involves forms of exercise, either done by self or assisted and it helps alleviate pain or recover from physical trauma that has caused damage to bones, muscles or even the nervous system. If you try and look up the Pooler physical therapy office’ online, there might be quite a list of options to choose from but it’s important to understand what services are offered before you decide to book an appointment with any of them. It’s also imperative that you know if you actually require any of the services or exercises offered by physiotherapists there.

First things first, let’s understand in what situation would you be required to avail of the services of a physical therapist. It’s not necessary that you have to be an athlete or a sportsperson to require such therapy. People trip and fall quite often, and they also twist or sprain ankles. In most cases, a quick visit to the doctor helps address these issues, through a cast and some painkillers. For people with weaker bones and muscles, this process could take longer and maybe even involve some amount of therapy. People who have been involved in rather serious accidents or who have sustained severe injuries require physiotherapy to recover faster. There are people who can suffer from loss of movement with advancing age. Then there are people who suffer from Parkinson’s who would require a physical therapist to help them stay mobile for longer, as the disease progresses.

Medicines and painkillers are options, but they can only work in a limited manner. Physiotherapy stops muscles and tendons from going completely dysfunctional by stimulating the nerves and blood vessels. It is not just about the will power of the patient, but also about the exercises done and the pressure points that are targeted through the entirety of the process. Therapy can last from a few weeks to a few years, depending upon the severity of the patient’s condition. There are people who have shattered their bones in accidents but can seemingly recover much faster than others who might have had a couple of fractures. It is important to understand that every person takes their own time to recover and respond to therapy.

That being said, let’s take a look at what is covered under physiotherapy. Cardiovascular and pulmonary therapy is used to deal with recovery issues following cardiac surgery or problems of the respiratory tract. Geriatric physiotherapy helps people deal with movement issues as they naturally get old and joints start losing their flexibility. Likewise, pediatric practitioners can provide therapy dealing with injuries or movement issues concerned with children. Orthopedic physiotherapy deals with the most common type of injuries, surgeries, and physical trauma. This is the segment that most people would fall into. Sports would require a really specific kind of therapy and likewise, for women, specific therapy is also available dealing with childbirth and postpartum conditions.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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