Health and Fitness

What are the Risks Associated with Circumcision?

Circumcision Urologist Brooklyn

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that removes the foreskin from a male’s penis. The surgery, which has both benefits and risks, is not medically necessary for most males. However, circumcision can be done for religious reasons, as well as to prevent phimosis or other medical problems or as part of some cosmetic treatments.

In most cases, the surgery is performed on healthy newborns soon after birth. There are rare but very real risks associated with circumcision, including bleeding, hematoma formation (a dangerous swelling), infections, injury to nearby tissue, and permanent changes in sensitivity of the penis due to the removal of specialized nerve endings at the head of the penis and inside layers of skin at its base. Therefore, it is essential to do circumcision under the supervision of a Circumcision Urologist Brooklyn.

Let us now see into the risks associated with circumcision.

1. The foreskin might be cut too long or short

There are numerous risks associated with circumcision, but one of the most significant is that it might not be done correctly. Some surgeons might be simply lazy or their professional skills might not match the standards set by medical professionals. If a surgeon is not careful, he might cut away too much foreskin or even leave some of it behind. This will make the penis less sensitive and can cause devastating side effects in the long term.

2. The foreskin might fail to heal properly

Circumcision is a selective surgery and not medically necessary for most males. It should therefore be carried out only when the benefits outweigh the risks. However, there are cases in which the foreskin does not heal properly after circumcision, and the patient might have to endure severe pain caused by infections, poor healing, and more. In addition, he might not be able to urinate properly, or he might even experience unpleasant erections that can lead to urinary tract infections.

2. The remainder foreskin may reattach to the end of the penis, requiring a surgical repair

Sometimes, the remainder of the foreskin might stick together and form a cyst that requires surgery. Unfortunately, if this is the case, circumcision might have to be redone. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the circumcision is performed correctly by a physician. If the surgery is botched, then the patient might suffer from painful ulcerations, scarring, and urinary tract infections.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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