Health and Fitness

Weight Training for Vertical Jump and Strength – Lift for Flight

Weight Training

Every basketball player wants to do a strong vertical jump during a game. Achieving the vertical jump is not an easy task. You should lift heavy weights in order to do a vertical jump. Now, the question here is how much weight is appropriate for a player to get athletic gain and not put on excess weight in the process?

Today, in this article we will help you understand the weight lifting measures that can be very helpful to you as a player. First, it is important to understand and decide how much weight you should lift for a weight-training program like Vert Shock. Here are 4 different styles of weight lifting:-

Weight Training

  • Light –

This particular range of weight measurement is appropriate for developing speed. A light range weight lifting style basically covers light weight for explosive moves, plyometrics and sports drills. Range of repetitions recommended for this style is 20-22 reps.

  • Medium –

This particular range of weight measurement is good for people, who are looking speed and some strength in their bodies. They will also experience some muscle mass gain. Range of repetitions recommended for this style is 10-12 reps.

  • Heavy –

This particular type of weight measurement is especially for people looking for developing strength in their bodies. This style is ideal for strengthening athleticism as well as the vertical jump. Speed can also be achieved with this style if plyometric work is added to the training. Range of repetitions recommended for this style is 4 – 6 reps.

  • Super heavy –

This particular style of weight measurement is also good for gaining strength but it is not recommended for training for vertical jumps. Range of repetitions recommended for this style is 2-3 reps.

How to lift the weights –

Our main focus in this article is to train for vertical jumps. As we discussed earlier heavy range is best suitable for training for vertical jumps. Lift the amount of weight and do the repetitions in high speed. The best way to lift the weights is lifting the weights in speed while maintaining the form.

Always remember to stretch before you start your training.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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