Eye Care

Interesting Facts About Your Eyes And The Increasingly Common Condition Of Blepharitis


In poetry and literature, eyes are often referred to as the windows to the human soul but here are some facts and figures about your eyes that you probably weren’t aware of:

  • Your eye colour is based on the amount of melanin within your iris.
  • The most prevalent eye colour on Earth is brown and the rarest is green.
  • Newborn babies are actually colour-blind at birth and they cannot produce tears until reaching at least four weeks of age.
  • The typical duration of a blink usually lasts less than 1/8 of a second.
  • The vast majority of adults blink at least four million times per year.
  • The human eye can process upwards of 35,000 bits of information in less than 60 minutes.
  • Globally, it is estimated that over 500 million people have some type of vision impairment or ocular disorder but roughly 80% of these problems are avoidable, curable, or easy to manage.

As such, our eyes are some of the most beguiling, fascinating things in the entire world and we depend on them to function normally on a day-to-day basis, which is why we’re going to highlight the ins and outs of blepharitis and explain exactly how to manage this increasingly common ocular ailment.

What Is Blepharitis?

In its simplest sense, blepharitis is an inflammatory condition that detrimentally impacts your eyelids and usually incites eye discomfort and itchiness. It can affect anyone at any point in time, irrespective of age or background, but it’s important to note that the most prevalent form is classified as Chronic Adult Blepharitis.

What Are the Symptoms and Indicators?

The best way to understand the effects of this disorder is to take a closer look at how medical experts go about diagnosing blepharitis. Shown below are the typical signs and symptoms:

  • Sore, tender, or aching eyelids
  • A distinct feeling of grittiness or a burning sensation when blinking
  • Eyelids covered with a gummy discharge or crusty layer of flakes
  • An oily, greasy substance on the base of your eyelashes
  • Excessive dryness or aridity that never seems to go away
  • Facial flushing and redness around the eyes

Instances of blepharitis are also closely associated with the staphylococcus bacterium, seborrhoeic dermatitis, and meibomian gland dysfunction but it’s worth mentioning that healthcare experts haven’t been able to pinpoint the root cause of this condition.

Is it Curable?

Unfortunately, there is no discernible cure for blepharitis but it is actually very easy to treat and manage with just a little bit of effort:

  • Regularly clean your eyelids with a gentle soap and warm water.
  • Sanitise your eyelids and eyelashes with a cotton swab and diluted baby shampoo.
  • Massage your eyelids to free your glands and rectify oily deposits.
  • Utilise natural anti-dandruff shampoo on your scalp.
  • Avoid applying copious amounts of eye makeup and mascara.

Blepharitis is controllable and simple to regulate but you have to stay on top of your care regimen and continue to learn as much information as possible about the nature of your unique condition. Additionally, certain patients might benefit from antibiotic treatments, steroids, or prescription-grade artificial teardrops so be sure to speak with your doctor about alternative treatment options.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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