
How To Regrow Hair?

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Hair loss is a natural occurrence, but it can still be a painful experience. It’s is better that you should get to the root of the issue as soon as possible. There are a lot of home remedies for regrowing hair on the internet, but most of them don’t have any evidence to back them up. Some, on the other hand, can have an impact, so you should test them out for yourself. Unfortunately, there isn’t anything that home remedies will do to help if the hair loss is hereditary. If home remedies don’t work, see your doctor. There are drugs and minor procedures that can help to regrow your hair.

Following are a few lifestyle changes & good hair care suggestions from Dr. Gajanan Jadhao who is one of the best Pune based hair transplant surgeon.

Topical and Lifestyle Remedies

A few home treatments, in addition to good nutrition, can help stimulate hair development. Topical or behavioral changes, including dietary changes, have inconsistent outcomes and are unlikely to succeed if the hair loss is hereditary. Even, there’s no harm in experimenting with these modifications to see if they work for you

Every day, massage your scalp. Your hair follicles can be stimulated to create more hair as a result of this. According to the specialists, a four-minute daily massage can help to increase hair thickness. To see if this works, rub your fingertips around your scalp for a few minutes per day. This will most likely take some time to show the result. After 24 weeks, the researchers took measurements that showed a positive result. You may also massage your scalp with a massage tool.

When massaging your scalp, use lavender oil. Lavender oil has mixed results when it comes to stimulating hair growth, especially in alopecia patients. Lavender oil may also be used to massage the scalp. To see if this works for you, rub it into your follicles. If you’re going to use lavender oil on your skin, dilute it to 2-3 percent to avoid discomfort. Mix the oil with a carrier oil like jojoba if it isn’t already diluted. For a 3 percent concentration, add 3 drops of lavender to each teaspoon (5 ml) of carrier oil. If you encounter some scratching or discomfort when using the oil, stop using it immediately.

Reduce the stress levels to prevent hair loss. Hair loss is a direct consequence of stress. If you’ve been really stressed and you’re losing hair, try to manage the tension as soon as possible. Hair loss can be reduced if any positive improvements are made. Make time for relaxation activities like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga every day. Making time for your hobbies each day is also helpful for reducing stress. If you’re having trouble managing your tension, seeing a licensed therapist or counselor can be extremely beneficial.

Quit smoking if you haven’t already. Smoking can decrease blood flow to the scalp, which can contribute to hair loss or worsen it. If you smoke, you can quit as soon as possible to prevent health issues. It’s best not to start smoking if you don’t already. Passive smoke can also be harmful to your health, so don’t allow anyone to smoke in your house.

Good Hair Care

Hair treatment is a key component of restoring hair loss. Haircare will not regrow your hair, but it will help to keep the disease from worsening. To prevent more hair loss and encourage a healthy scalp, follow the steps below.

Use a gentle shampoo and a moisturizing conditioner to wash your hair. It’s essential to keep your hair clean, but some products can deplete it of nutrients and oil. To conserve the nutrients in your hair, use a gentle, alcohol-free shampoo. Then, any time you shower, use a moisturizing conditioner to keep your hair hydrated. Use products that are fragrance-free and alcohol-free. The best products are those that are labeled “hypoallergenic” and made for sensitive skin. Using a leave-in conditioner during the day will also help to preserve your hair.

Gently comb your hair. Rough brushing your hair and scalp on a regular basis can cause harm to your hair and scalp. Comb your hair just long enough to style it, and then stop. Stop tugging on your hair during the day if you have a habit of doing so. Any kind of stress could result in more hair loss.

Color, oiling, and chemical straightening procedures should be avoided. All of these treatments contain harsh chemicals that can deplete the nutrients in your hair. These treatments should be avoided at all costs, particularly if you’ve started losing your hair.

When used often, heat from blow dryers or curling irons can cause damage to your hair. To prevent hair loss and thinning, avoid using these items as much as possible. Allow your hair to air dry as much as possible. Use a low-heat blower if you must use a blow dryer. Using curlers or straighteners on occasion is fine but don’t do it on a daily basis.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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