Dental Care

Do You Want a Brighter Smile


A whiter smile is possible, whether you choose to brighten your smile chairside at the dentist’s office or use an at-home whitening system. If you want to see fast results, then it is better to have your teeth whitened at the dentist’s office.

Why Teeth Become Discoloured or Stained

Teeth can become stained or discoloured for various reasons. These reasons may include the drinking of coffee, cola, or tea, or the use of tobacco. Red wine is also known to discolour or stain the teeth. Fortunately, teeth whitening has not been proven to harm the teeth, and therefore produces no major side effects. The surface of the tooth is not affected by the process.

When Whitening Is Not Recommended

Most people can easily have their teeth whitened unless they have cavities or gum disease, or are currently pregnant or lactating. Anyone who has severe cases of erosion or attrition should also avoid the procedure.

How Chairside Whitening Works

Chairside whitening systems today use a blue light to activate the hydrogen peroxide that is used to whiten the teeth. When the light meets the whitening gel, oxygen radicals enter the top layer of the enamel to beach discolouration or stains. The gel only contains a small amount of hydrogen peroxide, and is neutralised to a pH that is compatible with a person’s enamel. No harmful UV light is used.

A Simple and Fast Process

When preparing the teeth for the whitening process, the dental professional leaves only the teeth exposed and covers the gums and lips. The gel is then applied before being activated by the light. During the whitening treatment, you can watch movies, relax, or listen to music. Once the session is complete, that is all there is to it. You will leave the dentist’s office with a brighter and whiter smile.

How At-home Systems Work

If you want to learn more about teeth whitening in Singapore, you may want to review the options for take-home whitening systems. Results are seen after about a week when these systems are used. The at-home formula uses a carbamide peroxide solution that is held in a tray that is custom-fitted and worn over the teeth.

When using this approach, you will need to have teeth impressions made for the whitening trays. These trays look similar to a retainer. Once you are fitted with the trays, the dentist will give you further directions on how to use the trays and the gel at home. You will also need to use a desensitising toothpaste during the whitening process.

When you elect to use this type of whitening system, you can conveniently whiten your teeth in the privacy of your home. The process only takes about twenty to thirty minutes overall, and is a safe procedure that is also non-invasive. Like the chair-side whitening system, it has no major side effects. The take-home whitening system is very affordable, too. So if you are on a budget, this may be the system to choose. Both whitening systems are mess-free and simple. And after the treatment, you are rewarded with a whiter and more beautiful smile.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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