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The world of fertilizers can be divided into two main categories, the organic fertilizers and the non-organic/chemical fertilizers. Organic or natural fertilizers refer to those fertilizer products that have been produced from powdered minerals, and/or recycled plant and animal waste material. In addition, these products have undergone minimal processing during the manufacturing stages. Minimal processing simply entails having the nutrients remain in their natural form without them undergoing any modification, refining, or extraction.

Organic fertilizers continue to increase in popularity across the world while the persistent use of chemical fertilizers continues to decrease. This growth in popularity of the organic types is mainly due to their enormous benefits as well as the crippling health, economic, and environmental hazards associated with the large scale use of chemical fertilizers.

Some of these benefits include:

  1. They enrich the soil in numerous ways

Similar to chemical fertilizers, the organic fertilizers add numerous nutrients to the soil, which is their main function. However, unlike inorganic fertilizers, the organic ones enrich the soil structure as they break down. In addition, they improve the soil’s capability of holding nutrients and water, which will significantly improve the quality and quantity of farm output. Consistent use of organic fertilizers thereby leads to improved quality of soil and vegetation.

  1. Excellent for the environment

It is no secret that the use of organic fertilizers is much safer for the environment than the use of chemical fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are made from recycled organic materials, which means that these products are biodegradable, and do not release pollutants during their natural breakdown.

In addition, they are produced from sources that are sustainable and renewable. These sources include mainly plant and animal waste. It will be very difficult to deplete such resources, and thus, their use in the production of organic fertilizers will not strain the related ecosystems and the environment in general.

Some types of organic fertilizers such as the Organic liquid fertilizer are especially good for the environment because they do not pose the risk of run-off, a problem that is usually occasioned by the use of granular fertilizers.

It is quite clear that a global shift towards the use of organic fertilizers for food production will have a highly significant positive impact on environmental protection.

  1. Minimal toxicity

When it comes to organic fertilizers, users do not have to be concerned about toxicity build up, which could be dangerous for plants and the animals that consume them, human beings included. Unlike chemical fertilizers, the organic ones do not contain harmful salts and chemicals, which can be lethal or disease-causing when they accumulate in the soil.

  1. Lower risk of over-fertilization

Another major advantage of using organic fertilizers is that you run a lower risk of over-fertilizing your plants. This is because they are usually slow-release fertilizers, which means that when applied,, they slowly release the nutrients to the plants and the soil. Even if you put more than you should, you do not have to worry about your plants as the nutrients are being transferred slowly. Hence, there is no danger to your plants when over-application occurs.

  1. Less Expenses

Farmers and businesses are bound to incur less costs when they use organic fertilizers as compared to the inorganic variety. Organic products are cheaper to manufacture, and thus, in most instances, are more affordable when compared to other varieties. In addition, both small-scale and large scale farmers can use their own farm waste to manufacture high quality organic fertilizer, which will definitely help them minimize the costs of purchasing fertilizer for their farm produce.

Furthermore, there are other sources of inexpensive compost manure such as large local dairy farms.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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