Dental Care

9 Tips for Taking Care Of Teeth

9 Tips for Taking Care Of Teeth

A beautiful smile is primarily aesthetic and goes through a pretty teeth. However, the teeth are not just a fashion accessory, they also have a function, that of chew food before swallowing. We must take care of our teeth and good oral health is built largely during childhood and adolescence. That said, regardless of the state of your teeth, it is never too late to start. So follow our tips to keep your teeth healthy and very long!

9 Tips for Taking Care Of Teeth

1 – Start early to take care of his teeth From 4 years, children learn to brush their own teeth under the supervision of parents. Brushing should always be made from red to white, that is to say starting gum and working up to the teeth.

2 – Take care of the baby teeth: We must take great care of baby teeth because they are essential to the development of teeth and even subsequent to the growth of the child!

3 – To prevent tooth decay in children: there is a painless prevention treatment, carried out by the dentist, which is to seal their influences those of healthy permanent teeth! So, avoid giving sweet baby bottles in the evening or fruit juice before sleep to your baby.

4 – The grandmother trick to clean his teeth: If you have no toothbrush or toothpaste, chew the “Louben” or chew an apple!

5 – The trick grandmother to whiten his teeth

For the more energetic, rub against your teeth half a lemon. Efficient and economical to blanch! This also works with a lump of coal wrapped in wet cotton or with baking soda, there by cons, do rub too.

6 – Proper brushing Daily brushing in the morning, at noon if possible and especially at night, are more than recommended. Brush for three minutes at a minimum, from top to bottom, in the corners, deep … You should know that after every meal, food scraps feed the bacteria found in our mouths. A plaque is then formed and produces acids that attack tooth enamel with the key to the appearance of decay!

7 – A good toothbrush: Some gums are more sensitive than others, and in this case, was the preferred softer toothbrush. The small brush head, more manageable, more easily achieve the bottom molars. You have to change your toothbrush every three months and more often if the toothbrush is showing signs of wear with smashed hair.

8 – Try the developer plaque for effective brushing, you can use a developer plaque to identify areas that require deep cleaning.

9 – Use dental floss! In adults, toothbrushing may be supplemented by the use of dental floss. Where the toothbrush has trouble accessing, you should floss to get rid of food scraps and you avoid the formation of tartar between teeth.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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