Dental Care

5 signs it’s time to visit a dentist


When it comes to maintaining your oral health, regular check-ups by a dentist are crucial to avert gum disease, tooth decay, and other dental problems. However, as there aren’t any standard guidelines to follow, many people often neglect this aspect of personal care.

Even if you don’t belong to this league and see a dentist routinely, there are situations that might suddenly force you to search for a “Dentist Near Me” frantically. Fortunately, those living in the suburb of Berwick needn’t worry about receiving the best oral care and managing emergencies, because the area has some of the best dentists in the country.

Emergency Dentist Berwick care can easily be avoided by noticing the symptoms of oral health issues beforehand. Here are five such symptoms that indicate you need to book a Dentist appointment as soon as possible!

#1 Canker sores

Canker sores are small ulcers that may affect the inside of the cheeks and lips, your gums, the roof of the mouth, and the tongue. While most of them clear up on their own usually within a few days, severe canker sores frequently recur and don’t heal. There could be various reasons behind this – from immunity issues and food allergies to hormonal shifts and stress. However, regardless of the reason, if you observe that your canker sores are spreading or aren’t healing even after a week, you should immediately see a dentist.

#2 Dry mouth

If you’ve got other health issues or take antibiotics, you might experience dry mouth for a couple of days because it’s a usual side effect of medication. However, if you observe it for longer periods without any potential reason, it could indicate other problems such as gum disease. Therefore, it’d be wise to see a dentist who’ll be able to pinpoint the underlying issue and suggest remedial actions.

#3 Bleeding while flossing or brushing

If your gums bleed while flossing or brushing, it’s a clear indication of the development of gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease. When left untreated, it may result in bone loss around your teeth. This will lead to tooth loss eventually. If you observe this and other signs such as red or swollen gums, it’s time to book a dentist appointment immediately!

#4 White spots on teeth

Generally, white spots start appearing on the teeth as the first indication of tooth decay. White spots are a sure indication of infection because they’re the result of acid produced by the bacteria in your mouth. Therefore, even if you are not experiencing any pain, tooth decay might have started already. So, have your dentist check this out right away.

#5 Headaches

While there are several reasons that can trigger headaches, the condition might be closely associated with your dental health as well. If you find yourself grinding your teeth throughout the day or experience headaches in the morning after waking up, you might have problems with your TMJ or temporomandibular joints. While for the majority of people, discomfort from TMJ disappears on its own eventually, it may lead to other issues if left untreated for a long time. Your dentist can recommend stress relief tactics or exercises for treating TMJ.


It might be tempting to overlook seemingly negligible dental problems until your next scheduled appointment with a dentist. But observing the symptoms mentioned above and taking care of the underlying issues early on will help you protect your dental health, time, and money.

Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.

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