Health and Fitness

5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

5 Reasons to Hire a Personal Trainer

The concept of getting fit and healthy seems a fairly straight forward one. All you need to do is take up more regular exercise and adopt a healthier diet, however we all know it is a lot harder in practice.

Any number of things can go wrong, from not getting your diet right to struggling to find any progress with your current fitness regime.

One of the best ways to ensure you get all of these things on the right track is to invest in a personal trainer.

To show you just how much help they can be, here are 5 reasons why you should hire a personal trainer.

Motivation Boost

Unless you have a fitness buddy, it can be fairly difficult to both motivate yourself to head to the gym/ keep active on your own, and push you out of your comfort zone in terms of workout intensity.

Personal trainers both give you the incentive to bother to leave the house (whether it’s guilt or financial reasons), and push you to try new regimes and work that little bit harder than you’d push yourself to do.

The Shrewsbury Club are one such fitness facility that has a number of personal trainers, and they told us that “one of the more regular pieces of feedback we get from members is the boost in motivation they gain from their personal trainers”.

“Having a professional explaining what you can achieve and what a difference doing a little extra will do for you really makes the difference to the majority of members, particularly those in the early stages of a fitness regime. “

Proper Technique

Of course, you can pick up a certain amount of knowledge in the use of the gym from your initial induction, speaking to friends or reading a health magazine, however there is plenty more to learn from a professional.

To be a certified personal trainer in the UK, you must have at least both a level 2 instructor qualification and a level 3 personal trainer qualification, all of which means they know their way around all of the equipment available in the gym.

Their expertise means they can show you the best technique to approach to getting the peak productivity from certain lifts and positions.

The RIGHT Exercises

If you are somewhat of a fitness rookie, it can be hard to know the right exercises to achieve your desired effect. This leads to word of mouth advice which might well leave you working the wrong muscles entirely.

Talking through exactly what you want with your personal trainer can save so much wasted exercise, as they can put you on the correct regime to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Setting Goals

With little knowledge of fitness, or an uncertainty of what you might be able to achieve yourself, it can be difficult to set yourself goals to aim for.

After just a couple of sessions, a trainer will be able to read what level of fitness you are at, and after this, they will be able to set you goals which will both push and advance your fitness whilst also being achievable.

Wider Knowledge

Of course finding a fitness regime is only part of getting fit, with supplements and a healthy diet also playing a sizable part.

Thankfully personal trainers are qualified for a reason, so if you feel you’re unsure about the best food to eat to boost your regime or the correct fitness supplements to take alongside it, they will be happy to advise.

This is a great option for the individual because different diets are better for different activities.

For example, plenty of people who are looking to simply lose weight sometimes follow the wrong advice by getting on diets (high in protein) made for bulking up, which will not quite give them the desired effect.

Whether you have years of fitness and training behind you or absolutely nothing since PE at school, a personal trainer can help you towards your goals.

Judith Cheryl
I'm Judith Cheryl and I help people reach their fitness goals by sharing what I've learned. I help others lose weight, build muscle, and live better!

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