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7 Things Everyone Should Know About Laser Skin Resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing has become one of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of age spots, wrinkles, acne scars and general blemishes.

If you’ve been looking into this treatment, you’ll know just how much information is available out there but let’s take a step back and focus on the fundamentals.

  • Key things you should know about laser skin resurfacing
  1. It’s best to schedule your treatments in the fall or winter months

This is because your skin will be incredibly sensitive to UV rays so it’s best to schedule your treatments when you will be spending most of your time indoors. If you do need to schedule your treatments during the warmer months, use a board-spectrum SPF 30 or higher.

  1. The treatment hurts for some but not for others

You’ve probably heard that laser treatments feel like someone is snapping a rubber band against your skin but laser treatments will feel different for everyone. The depth of the treatment, the area that’s treated and the patient’s pain tolerance will all play a role. Most patients will experience some tenderness on and around the treated area after their procedure at Academy Face and Body Clinic Sydney.

  1. Patients with darker skin can still undergo skin resurfacing

It’s a myth that laser treatments are only suited to lighter skin types. Yes, certain lasers shouldn’t be used on darker skin but there are still skin resurfacing options available. Patients who have darker skin should consider microneedling or radio-frequency treatments. Speak to your doctor about the best options for your skin type.

  1. Your doctor plays an integral role in your results

Your laser skin resurfacing treatment should only ever be carried out by a trained and experienced medical professional. When used incorrectly, lasers can be dangerous and ineffective. Never choose a skin laser clinic or doctor based on price alone.

  1. Medications and conditions can affect your laser skin resurfacing results

Always discuss your medical history as well as any medications you may be using with your doctor at Academy Face and Body clinic Sydney before you proceed with a laser treatment. For example, if you’re taking acne medication, you could be more prone to scarring and you won’t always heal as quickly. Products such as aspirin can also make you more prone to bleeding during your treatment.

  1. There is no one-size-fits-all laser treatment

There are a number of different laser treatments on the market and it’s important to take your skin goals and your skin type into consideration before you go ahead. For example, while CO2 lasers are great for treating wrinkles and scars, Erbium lasers are better for promoting collagen production. When you’re choosing a laser treatment, forget about brand names and rather focus on your specific goals. If you aren’t sure about your options, rather consult with a trained professional who can analyse your skin first.

  1. Bargain on having multiple treatments

In some cases, a single treatment is enough to treat your skin but in most cases, multiple treatments are required to achieve the most satisfying result.

Carlos Nimmy
Carlos Nimmy
I'm Carlos Nimmy, the founder of this site. I cover health and fitness, personal development, and entrepreneurship on this site.